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Staff shortages in daycare centers

The shortage of skilled workers is now a well-known problem in many industries. However, in social sectors such as education, training and care, this problem not only poses challenges for companies that have to disappoint their customers.

It affects the whole of society when children cannot be adequately cared for.

It is therefore crucial that employers and job seekers in these areas can find each other easily and quickly.

Daycare job

Your solution for staff shortages

Often you hear not only from employers looking for a job, but also from educators who have difficulty finding a suitable position.

Here you will find experts who will help you find educators and prepare the educational professionals for vacancies. This way you can close your staffing gaps easily, cost-effectively and sustainably.

The job advertisement

Die Stellenanzeige bleibt nach wie vor ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Recruiting-Prozesses. Ihre Hauptaufgabe besteht darin, alle relevanten Informationen zum Job und den Anforderungen an die Bewerber zu vermitteln. Ein weiterer entscheidender Faktor ist die Präsentation der Arbeitgebermarke. Viele Arbeitgeber verwenden jedoch oft Klischees und listen einige Vorteile auf, die Bewerber ansprechen sollen, aber nur wenig über die Identität des Arbeitgebers aussagen.


Um mit einer Stellenanzeige zu überzeugen, ist es daher wichtig, neben ausführlichen Informationen über die Stelle und die Anforderungen auch interessante Details über die Kindertageseinrichtung bereitzustellen.


Schon in der Stellenanzeige sollten Sie zeigen, wofür Ihre Kita steht, und die Anzeige so formulieren, dass sie auf Ihre Zielgruppe zugeschnitten ist.

Wir beraten Sie gerne und finden die passende für Sie Lösung schnell und kostengünstig!

The employer brand

Employer branding is no longer only relevant for large companies in the field of personnel recruitment. Daycare centers and social institutions can also emphasize their uniqueness and attract applicants through an authentic employer brand.

It is important to work with the team to develop the values and principles that the facility embodies and to define the benefits that are offered to employees. These benefits do not necessarily have to be financial in nature - employees often value flexibility, recognition and an employer who responds to their needs. Even small offers such as a subsidy for bicycle leasing or regular training opportunities can increase the attractiveness of an employer. Quality is more important here than quantity.

Quereinsteiger und Nachwuchskräfte

Ideally, every employer wants highly qualified and experienced employees who can immediately deliver outstanding work without training.

This wish is understandable, but in times of a shortage of skilled workers it often becomes a challenge. Instead, it can make the search for staff much easier if you also give career changers and young professionals a chance and place great value on staff development. The requirements for career changers vary from state to state, but in most regions it is now possible to hire skilled workers without traditional training in education.

New talents who come to the daycare center after their training can bring a breath of fresh air and innovative ideas. Our applicant pool includes motivated and committed, both trained applicants and career changers, who you can hire immediately.

Inspire staff and retain them long-term

It is not only crucial to find educators, but also to enthuse and inspire them and to keep them loyal to the facility in the long term. In today's context, factors such as the team, support from the daycare center management, recognition of educators through additional financial benefits and a good work-life balance are of great importance.

Studies show that effective managers have a decisive influence on employee retention. A positive working atmosphere, which is largely shaped by superiors, is seen as more important than higher pay. For employees, superiors and team are still the most common reasons for resignation.

Not only do applicants receive rejections, but employers often don't know why applicants have decided against them. That's different with us! We offer you the information you need to better meet the needs of applicants in the future.

We continuously analyze the needs of employers and educational professionals to ensure that they can easily find each other and establish long-term working relationships.

Your search for staff ends here!

Let our expertise convince you!

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