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Educator salary Berlin: How much can I earn?

Writer's picture: Kita-Job AgenturKita-Job Agentur

However, for many who choose to become a kindergarten teacher, an important question arises: How much can you earn as a kindergarten teacher in Berlin? Given the wide range of tasks and responsibilities that come with this profession, adequate remuneration is crucial to attracting and retaining qualified professionals.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at the salary of kindergarten teachers in Berlin. We will present and explain the TV-L table , examine the different factors that can affect the salary, as well as the current trends and developments in the job market for kindergarten teachers in the capital of Germany.

We will highlight the key aspects relevant to career changers, childcare assistants, social assistants and current childcare workers in Berlin to gain a solid understanding of what salary prospects they can expect and how these will improve in the months and years to come.

Before we dive into the topic, it is important to explain the latest information on the new TV-L S table. This table plays a crucial role in determining the salary of kindergarten teachers in Berlin. The TV-L (collective agreement for the public service of the states) regulates the remuneration for public sector employees, which also includes kindergarten teachers.

The TV-L S table, also known as the salary table, specifies the various salary groups and levels that determine the salary of public sector employees. This table is updated regularly and changes can affect the salary of educators.

By understanding the new information on the TV-L S table, we can gain a solid insight into the salary prospects for kindergarten teachers in Berlin. So let's take a closer look before we delve further into the topic.

  • The new TV-L S table will apply from January 2020 for all social education workers who are paid according to TV-L.

  • The updated table is valid from December 1st, 2022 to October 31st, 2024.

  • There is an allocation of activities to pay groups.

  • Nursery teachers are classified in pay group S 8a

  • all career changers start with pay group S 4

  • In stages 2 and 3, the stage duration is extended by one year

  • When moving from the TV-L table to the S table, the higher resulting salary is paid.

  • When transferring to the S table, the allowances paid up to now expire, with the exception of the BAT vested rights allowance for children.

Date: 26.02.2024

Each pay group in the public sector consists of six salary levels. Newcomers to the profession start at level 1. Those who already have professional experience can also be placed directly in level 2 or 3.

Public sector bodies pay according to the collective agreement for the public service of the states with the additional designation "S" (TV-L S), especially in the federal states that apply this collective agreement. These include, among others:

  1. Berlin

  2. Brandenburg

  3. Bremen

  4. Hamburg

  5. Hesse

  6. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

  7. Lower Saxony

  8. North Rhine-Westphalia

  9. Rhineland-Palatinate

  10. Saarland

  11. Saxony

  12. Saxony-Anhalt

  13. Schleswig-Holstein

  14. Thuringia

In Bavaria the TVÖD SuE table applies.

It is important to note that not all public sector providers in these federal states pay according to TV-L S, as there may also be other collective agreements that apply depending on the provider and their agreements.

Educator Salary Berlin 2024

Validity of the table: 01.12.2022 - 30.09.2023 + 2.8% - The table remains valid until 31.10.2024 .

TV-L S Table 2023 - 2024 Berlin
TV-L S Table 2023 - 2024 I Source:

Salary table TV-L S 2024 forecast

Validity of the table: 01.11.2024 - 31.01.2025 + 200 euros base amount per month from November 1, 2024.

TV-L S Table 2024 Forecast
TV-L S Table 2024 Forecast - Source:

Table explanation: All salaries under 3,000 euros are marked in light gray. Salaries from 3,000 to 3,999 euros are medium gray and salaries from 4,000 euros are white.

Salary table TV-L S 2025 forecast

Validity of the table: 01.02.2025 - 31.10.2025 + 5.5%, minimum 340 euros

TV-L S Table 2025 Forecast
TV-L S Table 2025 Forecast - Source:

Table explanation: All salaries below 3,000 euros are colored light gray, salaries from 3,000 to 3,999 euros are medium gray and salaries from 4,000 euros are white.

Which salary group do you have as an educator in the TV-L S table?




Professional group

EC 5


Employees as educators without training, career changers

EC 8


Social education professionals, educators, career changers after qualification phase

Ground floor 9a


Educators with particularly difficult professional skills, integration educators with more than 30% disabled children in the group; educators with coordinating activities (for at least 4 employees)

Ground floor 9a


Educator with coordinating activity (for at least 8 employees)

Ground floor 9a


Educator with coordinating activity (for at least 12 employees)

Ground floor 9a

Page 17

Educator with coordinating activity (for at least 24 employees)

EG 8 + allowance


Daycare management (up to 39 places), deputy management (40-69)

Ground floor 9b

Page 13

Daycare management (40-69), deputy management (70-99)

EG 9b+ allowance


Daycare management (70-99), deputy management (100-129)

EC 10


Daycare management (100-129), deputy management (130-179)

EG 10 + allowance

Page 17

Daycare management (130-179), deputy management (from 180)

EC 11

Page 18

Daycare management (from 180)

The net wage depends on the respective tax bracket, weekly working hours, religious affiliation, etc.

When the promotion to the next salary level occurs is precisely defined and depends on the respective pay group.

The following rules apply:


  • After one year in Level 1, you will be promoted to Level 2,

  • After three years in Level 2, you will be promoted to Level 3,

  • After four years in Level 3, you move up to Level 4,

  • After four years in Level 4, you will be promoted to Level 5

  • After five years at level 5, you will be promoted to level 6

Here you will find the Tv-L S salary calculator !

What allowances do educators receive in Berlin?

The allowances and additional benefits for kindergarten teachers in Berlin can vary depending on the employer, collective agreement and individual agreements. As a rule, kindergarten teachers in Berlin can receive various allowances, including:

1. Shift allowances: If educators work shifts or on weekends, they can receive additional allowances.

2. Hardship allowances: These can be paid if the work takes place under difficult conditions, for example in special facilities or when there are special educational challenges.

3. Allowances for special qualifications: If a teacher has certain additional qualifications or specializations, she can receive additional allowances for these.

4. Annual special payment - “13th monthly salary”

5. Capital city allowance of e.g. EUR 150 per month

Whether a kindergarten teacher receives a 13th month salary also depends on various factors. In some public institutions or under certain collective agreements, a 13th month salary may be paid as Christmas or holiday pay. However, it is important to note that this is not provided for in all employment contracts or collective agreements and can therefore vary from employer to employer. It is therefore advisable to check the individual employment contract or the applicable collective agreement to see if a 13th month salary is provided for.

Would you like to find out more about your earning potential as a kindergarten teacher in Berlin? Share this article and inform your colleagues about the current salary prospects.

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Vladislava Ivanova

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